Student Engagement

There is important and innovative work being done by students across disciplines at the University of Florida about Biodiversity. UF Biolink is archiving and sharing this student research.

Please consider submitting your work to Biolink and share your research and creative projects in biodiversity with the University of Florida and greater community.  As long as it relates to biodiversity, student projects/research may take any form, such as: lab science, field work, engineering, architecture, journalism/photojournalism, essays, theoretical or creative writing, poetry, visual art, music, dance, theater, medicine, socially engaged/community work etc.

Student work will be curated to the website, and in the late Spring 2018 (date T.B.A. ) an interdisciplinary panel will award the some of the stellar student projects shared via Biolink.  DEADLINE for submission is April 9, 2018 to be considered for awards, but we will continue to accept student project submissions to be shared on UF Biolink through the end of 2018.

UF BIOLINK Student Awards Ceremony is scheduled for April 26th, 2018 at 4PM IN SMATHERS LIBRARY (EAST) ROOM 100.